Misc. Weapon Training

Forged International Miscellaneous Weapons training courses are designed by and for professionals. The purpose of this course is to both expand the array of weapons the student is familiar with and improve his/her proficiency across a broad spectrum of weapons use.  The course covers use of handguns, long guns, edged weapons, munitions, and various technological aspects of weaponry currently used in military and law enforcement occupations.

The fact is that the vast majority of domestic Law Enforcement officers receive approximately one-third of the weapons training of a member of the U.S. armed forces. And the majority of those receive training only on weapons specific to their military occupation or specific deployment. Virtually no crossover training of weaponry exists in the basic acumen of the armed forces with the exception of certain Special Forces training.

Although it is rarely necessary for one soldier or officer to be proficient in the full spectrum of weapons use to perform their job effectively, it certainly separates the basically trained soldier from the elite corps, and can mean the difference between life and death in the wrong circumstances.

For example, most people who drive a car every day don’t know how to change their own oil, or drive a manual transmission vehicle, or operate a forklift, or maneuver a commercial big-rig.  And chances are they will never be called upon to execute those tasks in an emergency situation.  Nor are they professional drivers.

As a professional soldier or peace officer however, it can only increase your chances of success and survival to be ready to use any available weapon whenever the need arises. So, increase your knowledge, effectiveness, and professional worth with the FI Miscellaneous Weapons Training course now.

Contact us today to increase your weapons knowledge, skills, and your professional worth.